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Aakar (Shaping a better world)

"Prateek Foundation 'Aakar' which is a CSR arm of the group recently adopted a primary school at Sharfabad village, Noida. We have renovated a kitchen, water pump base there and also donated school furniture, school bags, stationary stuff and toilet related hygiene items to children. Moreover, we have opened a skill development centre for our construction workers by the name of ‘Prateek Skill Training Institute’ at Prateek Grand City in Siddharth Vihar, Ghaziabad. The step was taken under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna. Under this, the trainees were offered a financial reward and a government certification on successful completion of training and assessment.

We have been supporting India Vision Foundation (IVF) which focuses on empowering prison inmates and emphasizes on the education of their children. We have also joined hands with NGO's like 'Help Care Society’ and 'Children Reading Society’ which work for the welfare of under privileged section of the society especially girl children."

India Vision Foundation (IVF)

The foundation focuses on empowering prison inmates and emphasizes the education of their children, who if not secured and nurtured would probably loose their way or go missing from their homes, while their mothers remain imprisoned.

India Vision Foundation's first initiative towards prison reforms was the Bread Unit, set up inside the prison premises, with the help of the award money received by Dr Bedi through the Ramon Magsaysay Award.

Today, this bakery provides fresh bread to over 10,000 inmates daily. It has also become the single largest revenue generator for prisoner's welfare fund inside the prison.


Saving Childhood:

The foundation looks after the children of the inmates ( or convicted mothers) to prevent them from becoming victims of their mother's criminal conduct.
Annual Beneficiaries: 75 children

Primary Victims, Mainstreamed:

Once the children of inmates cross the age of 6 they are not permitted to stay with their mothers within the prison premises. IVF takes many of these children under its wing and facilitates formal education for them in public / government / missionary schools.
Annual Beneficiaries: 184 children

Helping weave their lives:

The Tihar women's Weaving Behind Bars project commenced in February 1995, here inmates are trained in various skills like weaving, knitting, crochet etc.
Annual Beneficiaries: Creche Training - 25 inmates; Weaving knitting & Crochet - 40 inmates

Social Reintegration of the Youth:

It reaches out to the youth presently serving their sentence behind bars through several means.
Annual Beneficiaries: 500 inmates

Prateek Group supports IVF in there project "Helping weave their lives" and their other projects which will help them gain financial independence post their release and keep them engaged by filling out their long hours of imprisonment and by making donations time to time.

Help Care Society

The Help Care Society was founded in 1990, by Late Smt. Kamlesh Nischol, World renowned Social Worker and Psychologist, and was inaugurated by Late Shri Madhavrao Scindia and has been working ever since for the welfare of under privileges section of society specially children. The main objective of improving the quality of life of the under-privileged Girl Child. Considering the fact that female infanticide was still prevalent in various parts of India, the endeavour of the Society has been to make the Girl Child self-reliant by providing her with an opportunity for basic education, remedial teaching where required and subsequently giving her an opportunity for employment generation. The School Division, primarily concerned itself with sponsoring needy and meritorious children in schools in various parts of India. Not only was tuition fees provided but in various institutions uniform, stationery, after school coaching, medical and mid-day meal was given to enable the students to have better quality of life and education. It was not as if only girls were being given the facilities. In various schools, economically very poor but meritorious boys were given freeships on the recommendation of the Principals of the schools. For this entire exercise, the Society is deeply indebted to Principals of large number of school of India which provided assistance.

The Community Service Department

  • General Awareness Capms / Neighbourhood meetings Social workers of the Society reached out to the community especially women through General Awareness Camps held.
  • Exposed to talks / films on Small Family Norms.
  • Legal Rights of Women.
  • Demonstration of low cost nutritive diet.
  • Supportive Education.

For the welfare of the Society and being a responsible Citizen of India, Prateek Group always try to help this organization by donating Wheel Chairs and other useful items which help in improving the quality of life of the under-privileged Girl Child.

Children Reading Society

Children Reading Society (CRS) is a Delhi & Mumbai Based non-govt. Registered Voluntary Organisation for Poor, Orphan, Handicapped, and Under Privileged Children. Children Reading Society Working on Issues effecting the Urban and Rural poor, with a Special Focus on Children, it is because every Child deserves a Chance, The Organisation exists and Works towards making it Possible.

Mission Education is a National level Programme from CRS which focuses on basic Education for under privileged Children. CRS work Hard to Bridge the gap To Allow Disabled Children to develop their full potential.

With an aim of Better India we Prateek Group support CRS with their project Women Child Education which is an important aspect of which is building Relationship between Foster Families and parents communicating between each other. Education is a gift for life and when it comes to women who is Daughter, Wife, Mother and plays many others important roles in our life then education becomes a necessary tool for fulfilment and growth.